
Collecting and reporting program data for American Spaces is essential to providing the information the Office of American Spaces needs to continue funding and to make decisions to enhance the operations and impact of American Spaces individually and globally.

Enhanced Reporting System

To produce a more complete picture of American Spaces operations and programming impact, and to guide more effective decision making, the Office of American Spaces (OAS) requires regular, timely, accurate, and relevant reporting of statistics. Reporting statistics is required to qualify for support funds. The OAS also encourages posts to work closely with American Spaces under their oversight to develop an evaluation culture, with regular customer satisfaction surveys for programs, look and feel, resources, staffing, etc. Posts report statistics to OAS via email.

Frequently Asked Questions about Collecting Statistics for American Spaces
  • Program attendees are the number of people that attend the program. People may end up being counted twice – as a visitor and as an attendee. That’s fine – these are two different data points that are being tracked, but a visitor who does not attend any program cannot be counted as an attendee.
  • For BNCs, attendees are the number of people enrolled in each class. Each time a student attends class, they get counted as a visitor. So, if a student attends 10 classes over the course of the month, they are counted 10 times. To put it another way, if a class meets 10 times over the course of a month and 20 students attend that class, that would be counted as 200 program attendees. BNCs should also count attendees at other programs, such as library programs, cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Visitors are the number of people who walk through the door of your American Space each month. If the same person visits two times, that would count as two visitors.
  • For BNCs, count visitors to the entire BNC, not just the library. Visitors are defined as anyone who walks through the door who is not an employee.
  • Programs are the number of individual programs you do each month. If you do the same program three times for three different audiences, that counts as three separate programs.
  • For BNCs, please count every class period as an individual program.

Virtual programs …

  • Must be hosted by the American Space,
  • Engage online with people outside the American Space, usually through social media, webchat, or video conferencing platforms, and
  • May have a live audience.

Virtual Audiences…

  • Attend a virtual event online
  • Should only be counted by the hosting American Space.

This can get complicated, so here’s a guide (PDF 116kb) we created with examples on how to report virtual programming statistics.

  • Please count anyone that you engage with at the booth or table as a program attendee (instead of counting them as visitors).
  • If the branch is doing the five core programs (English language teaching, EducationUSA advising, cultural programs, alumni engagement and information about the U.S.) please treat the branch as a unique American Space and submit their statistics separately from headquarters.
  • If the branch is not doing the five core programs, please include their statistics as a part of headquarters.
  • The Office of American Spaces uses the statistics to make informed decisions about management of resources for American Spaces. In addition, the office routinely receives inquiries about statistics relating to American Spaces from other offices within the Department of State, from the U.S. Congress and from other organizations and government agencies. Information on specific American Spaces is shared with Foreign Service Officers before they go out to the embassy or consulate that oversees those American Spaces.